Purpose: Each September, the FBHS Foundation awards Program Grants to enhance and promote academic excellence for all students at FBHS. The funds awarded are to be used to enrich the learning process in ways that benefit as many students as possible and further ‘The Pirate Advantage’. The Program Grant awards are designed to supplement federal, state and local funding.
Application Deadline: Program Grant applications and supporting documents are due by noon on September 2, 2020. Please return grant applications to Lori Kale’s Office.
Who Can Apply: Any current FBHS staff member or teacher may submit a grant proposal.
Guidelines: The FBHS Foundation will fund only those programs that it considers appropriate based on its review, and within the limits of available funds. By submitting a grant proposal, you understand that it will be reviewed, discussed and voted on by the FBHS Foundation Trustees. Program grants are awarded on the merit of the proposal, not on whether the teacher had received one in the past. Efforts should be made to find the best value for items approved for purchase, please submit estimates. Teachers/Staff who have had prior success with the grant program are encouraged to apply again. Program grant awards will be announced in September 2020 and funds will be released for use. Please note that, all funds must be used by the end of the school year, June 4, 2021, at which time, unused funds will be reclaimed. The Foundation should be notified in the event of personnel reassignment, that would prevent the full implementation of the project, the grant may be amended.
To assist the FBHS Foundation with measuring the impact of the grant process, a brief summary and/or video or photos may be requested from the grant recipient/s. Recipient/s may be asked to present the funded program to the board members upon completion. This information will be shared with the BoT and could be made available to the public.
Grant Scoring Criteria:
Does this project enhance or support existing curriculum or provide additional learning experience?
Detailed description of activities is included (timeline, connection to curriculum, potential for permanent integration, potential for replication and students impacted?)
Innovative or creative or has not been done before?
Can it be replicated in other classrooms?
Project sustainability (one-time, long term, permanent)
Cost is reasonable given # of students that it will benefit?
Budget – included materials, equipment/services to be purchased with complete breakdown
Questions: Please contact the Academic Excellence Committee Chair, Agnes Lyden, if you have any questions or need additional information at agnes.lyden@gmail.com
FBHS Foundation Program Grant Application
Purpose: Each September, the FBHS Foundation awards Program Grants to enhance and promote academic excellence for all students at FBHS. The funds awarded are to be used to enrich the learning process in ways that benefit as many students as possible and further ‘The Pirate Advantage’. The Program Grant awards are designed to supplement federal, state and local funding.
Application Deadline: Program Grant applications and supporting documents are due by noon on September 2, 2020. Please return grant applications to Lori Kale’s Office.
Who Can Apply: Any current FBHS staff member or teacher may submit a grant proposal.
Guidelines: The FBHS Foundation will fund only those programs that it considers appropriate based on its review, and within the limits of available funds. By submitting a grant proposal, you understand that it will be reviewed, discussed and voted on by the FBHS Foundation Trustees. Program grants are awarded on the merit of the proposal, not on whether the teacher had received one in the past. Efforts should be made to find the best value for items approved for purchase, please submit estimates. Teachers/Staff who have had prior success with the grant program are encouraged to apply again. Program grant awards will be announced in September 2020 and funds will be released for use. Please note that, all funds must be used by the end of the school year, June 4, 2021, at which time, unused funds will be reclaimed. The Foundation should be notified in the event of personnel reassignment, that would prevent the full implementation of the project, the grant may be amended.
To assist the FBHS Foundation with measuring the impact of the grant process, a brief summary and/or video or photos may be requested from the grant recipient/s. Recipient/s may be asked to present the funded program to the board members upon completion. This information will be shared with the BoT and could be made available to the public.
Grant Scoring Criteria:
Questions: Please contact the Academic Excellence Committee Chair, Agnes Lyden, if you have any questions or need additional information at agnes.lyden@gmail.com